The Sweat of Muhammad's Light
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TLDR: A famous book ascribes Logos Theology to Muhammad, claiming that Muhammad was God's first creation and the best of all His creations and that all other creations were made from Muhammad.
In a sermon given by Dr. Rashad Khalifa in November 1987 at ~53-min mark, he reads from an excerpt from a book entitled “Daqoiqul Akhbar” ( دقائق الأخبار ) to demonstrate the flagrant idol worship of the prophet that is carried out in the Muslim world. The word “Daqaiqu” means “details” or “subtleties,” while “Akhbar” means “news” or “reports.” The full name of the book is Daqaiqul akhbar Fi Dzikri al Jannah Wan-Naar, which translates to “A Detailed Report About The Mention of Paradise and Hellfire.” This book is quite popular among Muslims, especially in Indonesia, where it is read and listened to regularly.
Here is an excerpt of the first page of the book:
الحمد لله الذى هدانا لدينه الذى أكمله وارتضاه و الصلاة والسلام على نبيه سيدنا محمد الذى الجتباه من خلقه و اصطفاه وبعد فأقول
الباب الأول فى خلق الروح الأعظم وهو نور سيد نا ونبينا محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام
قد جاء فى الخبر إن الله تعالى خلق شجرة لها أربعة أغصان فسماها شجرة اليقين ثم خلق نور محمد فى حجاب من درة بيضاء كمثل الطاوس ووضعه على تلك الشجرة فسبح عليها مقدار سبعين ألف سنة ثم خلق مرآة الحياة فوضعت باستقباله فلما نظر الطاوس فيها رأى صورته أحسن صورة وأزين هيئة فاستحى من الله تعالى فعرق فقطر منه ست قطرات فخلق الله تعالى من القطرة الأولى أبا بكر رضى الله عنه ومن القطرة الثانية عمر رضى الله عنه ومن القطرة الثالثة عثمان رضى الله عنه ومن القطرة الرابعة عليا رضى الله عنه ومن القطرة الخامسية الورد و من القطرة السادسة الارز ثم سجد ذلك النور المحمدى خمس مرات فصارت علينا تلك السجخدات فرضا مؤقتا ففرض الله تعالى خمس صلوات على محمد وأمته ثم نظر الله تعالى إلى ذلك النور مرة أخرى فعرق حياء من الله تخالى فمن عرق أنفه خلق الله الملائكة ومن عرق وجهه خلق العرش والكرسى واللوح والقلم والشمس والقمر والحجب والكواكب وما كان فى السماء ومن عرق صدره خلق الانبياء والمرسلين والعلماء والشهداء و الصالحين ومن اعرق ظهره خلق الله البيت المعمور والكعبة وبيت المقدس وموضع المساجد في الدنيا ومن عرق حاجبيه خلق أمة محمد من المؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات ومن عرق أذنيه خلق أرواح اليهود والنصارى والمجوس وما أشبه ذلك من الملحدين والجاحدين والمنافقين ومن عرق رجليه خلق الأرض من المشرق إلى المغرب وما فيها ثم قال الله تعالى لذلك النور انظر أمامك يا نور محمد فنظر فرأى أمامه نورا ومن ورائه نورا وعن يمينه نورا وعن يساره نورا وهم أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلى رضى الله عنهم ثم سبح ذلك النور سبعين ألف سنة ثم خلق الله نور الانبياء من نور محمد عليه السلام ثم نظر الله إلى ذلك النور فخلق منه أرواحهم يعنى خلق أرواح الأنبياء من عرق روح محمد عليه السلام وخلق أرواح أمم هؤلاء الأنبياء من عرق أرواح أنبيائهم يعنى أرواح كل أمة خلقت من عرق روح نبيها وخلقت
Below is the translation in English:
“All praise is due to Allah, who has guided us to His religion, which He has perfected and approved of, and prayers and peace be upon His Prophet, our master Muhammad, whom He has selected and favored from His creation. And then I say:
The first chapter concerns the creation of the greatest spirit (Ruh), which is the light of our master and our Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be prayers and peace.
It has come in the report that Allah Almighty created a tree with four branches and named it the Tree of Certainty. Then He created the light of Muhammad within a veil made of a white pearl, resembling a peacock, and placed it upon that tree. The light glorified [Allah] on it for the span of seventy thousand years. Then, He created the Mirror of Life and set it facing the light [of Muhammad]. When the peacock [the light of Muhammad] looked into it, it saw its image as the most beautiful and best-adorned form, so it became modest before Allah Almighty and perspired, dripping six droplets. From the first droplet, Allah Almighty created Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, from the second droplet, Umar, from the third, Uthman, from the fourth, Ali, from the fifth, the rose, and from the sixth, rice. Then that Muhammadan light prostrated five times, which became incumbent upon us as timed duties, so Allah Almighty ordained five prayers for Muhammad and his nation. Then Allah looked again at that light, and it perspired from modesty before Allah, so from the sweat of its nose, Allah created the angels; from the sweat of its face, He created the Throne ( العرش ), the Footstool ( والكرسى ), the Preserved Tablet, the Pen, the sun, the moon, the veils, and the planets, and all that is in the heavens; from the sweat of its chest, He created the prophets, the messengers, the scholars, the martyrs, and the righteous; from the sweat of its back, Allah created the Frequented House, the Kaaba, and the Holy House, and the locations of the mosques in the world; from the sweat of its eyebrows, He created the nation of Muhammad, the believing men and women, the Muslim men and women; from the sweat of its ears, He created the spirits of the Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and the like of the atheists, deniers, and hypocrites; and from the sweat of its legs, He created the earth from the east to the west and all that is therein. Then Allah said to that light, ‘Look ahead of you, O light of Muhammad.’ So it looked ahead and saw light in front of it, light behind it, light on its right, and light on its left, and they were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali, may Allah be pleased with them. Then that light glorified [Allah] for seventy thousand years. Then Allah created the light of the prophets from the light of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Then Allah looked at that light and created from it their spirits, meaning He created the spirits of the prophets from the perspiration of the spirit of Muhammad, peace be upon him, and He created the spirits of the nations of these prophets from the perspiration of the spirits of their prophets, meaning the spirits of each nation were created from the perspiration of the spirit of their prophet and created…”
Not only is this passage severely blasphemous, as it elevates Muhammad to a status that rivals God and places his companions over all of God’s other creations, but it also parallels the mythology of the origins of the Hindu caste system.
According to Hinduism, it is believed that all entities originated from Brahma. At the top of the hierarchy were the scholars and priests who were to come from Brahma’s head, and then came the warriors and rulers who supposedly came from Brahma’s shoulders. Next were the farmers, traders, and merchants who came from Brahma’s thighs, and last were those who came from Brahma’s feet who were the laborers. At the bottom of this social hierarchy were the Dalits (outcasts), who were not even labeled with a caste but were destined to be street sweepers and other low-level workers.