Saad: ص
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This initial prefixes three suras, 7, 19, and 38, and the total occurrence of the letter "S” (ص / Saad) in these three suras is 152, 19x8 (Table 2). It is noteworthy that in 7:69, the word "Bastatan” is written in some printings with a "Saad,” instead of "Seen.”
Sura No.
Frequency of The letter "Saad " ( ص )
152 (19x8)
Additional Facts:
The total count of all the ( ص ) "Saad" initials in all 29 initialed Suras are 988 = 19x52.
The total count of all the occurrences of ( ص ) "Saad" in the entire Quran is 2071 = 19x109.
Sura 50 is entitled Q ( ق ), and Sura 38 is entitled Saad ( ص ). The first verses of these two Suras state:
[Quran 38:1] S. ( ص ), and the Quran that contains the proof.
(١) ص وَالقُرآنِ ذِي الذِّكرِ
[Quran 50:1] Q. ( ق ), and the glorious Quran.
(١) ق وَالقُرآنِ المَجيدِ
This shows that the Q ( ق ) symbolizes the Quran, while Saad ( ص ) symbolizes the proof ( الذِّكرِ ). If we count the occurrences of Q ( ق ) in the two Q ( ق ) initialed Suras, 42 and 50, we see that Q ( ق ) occurs 114 =19x6, just like there are 114 Suras in the Quran. Additionally, if we add all the occurrences of Saad ( ص ) in all the verses of Suras 42 and 50, where the letter Q ( ق ) occurs, we see that there are exactly 19 occurrences of the letter Saad ( ص ).
Also, if we count all the occurrences of Q ( ق ) in Sura 38, that comes out to 19
More information regarding the miracle of Saad in the Quran can be found here.