Ali Something Added to the Quran

It is documented that ‘Ali protested verses being added to the Quran.

On the authority of Muhammad ibn Sirin, on the authority of Ikrima, who said, “After Abu Bakr’s inauguration, Ali ibn Abu Talib stayed in his house. So it was said to Abu Bakr, ‘He is averse to swearing allegiance to you.’ Then Abu Bakr sent for him and said, ‘Are you averse to swearing allegiance to me?’ He said, ‘No. By God.’ He [Abu Bakr] said, ‘What makes you upset with me?’ He said, ‘I think something has been added to the Book of God. So I said to myself that I will not put on my street clothes except for the Friday prayer until it has been resolved.’” (Al-Suyuti Vol. 1, 57-58).

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