Pages Purified

A typical question individuals pose when informed about the two false verses that were added to the Quran is if this contradicts God's promise of preserving the Quran.

[15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.*

[41:41] Those who have rejected the Quran's proof when it came to them, have also rejected an Honorable book. [41:42] No falsehood could enter it, in the past or in the future; a revelation from a Most Wise, Praiseworthy.

God never directly stated how He would preserve the Quran. To presuppose the mechanism without proof would be conjecture. Therefore, one should not start with assumptions, force one's worldview into these assumptions, and then base one's denial on those assumptions. Instead, the correct approach is to make the observations and derive an assessment without bias or preconceived notions.

[10:39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors.

To illustrate how the two false verses do not signify a failure of preservation, consider this visual analogy: Suppose God gives someone a sweater and assures them that “no modification can ever happen to that sweater.” Over time, as they wear the sweater, it becomes covered in dirt and mud. However, God has also provided them with a washing machine that, when used, restores the sweater to its original, pristine condition. Can they then argue that God failed to prevent modifications to the sweater? Of course not. The sweater itself remained completely intact beneath the dirt.

This analogy applies to the Quran. The complete and full Quran has always remained intact over the years, even though two additional sentences were introduced. God provided a mechanism to remove these impurities through Code 19. This concept is highlighted in the first five verses of Sura 74: The Hidden Secret (Al-Muddathir), which informs us about Code 19. Thus, the presence of these false verses does not undermine the Quran's preservation; rather, it underscores the divine mechanism in place to ensure its purity and authenticity.

[74:1] O you hidden secret.* [74:2] Come out and warn. [74:3] Extol your Lord. [74:4] Purify your garment.* [74:5] Forsake what is wrong.

It is worth pointing out that the Arabic in 74:5 is "wal-ruj'za fa-uh'jur" ( وَٱلرُّجْزَ فَٱهْجُرْ ) can also be understood as "expunge the impurity."

Also, twice in the Quran, it is referenced as being written in pages (suhuf) purified (muṭahharatin). For something to be purified, it implies that it must have had impurity.

[80:11] Indeed, this is a reminder. [80:12] Whoever wills shall take heed. [80:13] In honorable pages (ṣuḥuf). [80:14] Exalted and purified (muṭahharatin). [80:15] (Written) by the hands of messengers. [80:16] Who are honorable and righteous.

[98:2] A messenger from GOD is reciting to them pages purified.

رَسُولٌ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ يَتْلُوا۟ صُحُفًا مُّطَهَّرَةً

Some people naturally ask, if God allowed two false verses to be added to the Quran, then what about all the people in the past who did not know that these two verses were not part of the original Quran? What is their responsibility? Interestingly, this is a question that Pharoah even asked Moses, and most likely, it was also asked to other messengers.

[20:51] He (Pharoah) said, "What about the past generations?" [20:52] He (Moses) said, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a record. My Lord never errs, nor does He forget."

Based on the verses mentioned, the answer remains the same: God knows best and holds each person responsible for what they know. Despite the presence of two false verses, the entire Quran has always been available and fully intact within the bindings of their mushafs. The complete Quran has always been embedded in all physical copies of the Quran. In other words, even with the addition of the two false verses, the Quran has always been fully accessible, and sincere individuals can obtain correct guidance from God by reading the Quranic text they possess.

Moreover, these two false verses do not introduce new teachings that cannot be found elsewhere in the Quran. Ironically, this is not the case when we look at the disputes that occur between the traditionalist and their understanding of the Quran. For one, they consider that the Quran came down in seven Ahruf. Second, they consider that there are 28 different authorized recitations of the Quran. Thirdly, their Hadith attributes all kinds of narrations regarding suras that have been lost, verses that have been eaten or forgotten, or disputes regarding whether even the 113 occurrences of Bismillah are part of the Quran.

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