Egyptians Angry At Uthman

Some may claim there is no way there was this level of a cover-up because surely there would have been an uproar and protests from the Muslims. Yet, this is exactly what led to the first Civil War (Fitna) among the Muslims. The mainstream narrative we are told is that the frustration from the Muslim lands against Uthman was due to accusations of nepotism and misuse of public funds. While this is correct, there was another motive. The people who protested against Uthman were also upset that he erased the Quran. We see this in the following narration.

Narrated Abdullah, narrated Uthman bin Hisham bin Dalham, narrated Ismail bin Khalil, from Ali bin Masher, from Ismail bin Abi Khalid who said: When the people of Egypt arrived at Al-Jafna to pledge allegiance to Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him), Uthman ascended the pulpit and said: "May Allah reward you, O companions of Muhammad, well. You broadcast the evil and concealed the good, and incited the foolish people against me. Who among you will go to these people and ask them what they are criticizing and what they want?" He repeated this three times and no one answered him. Then Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) stood up and said: "I will." Uthman said: "You are the closest in kinship and the most entitled to that." So he went to them and came back with their response, saying: "They said there is none they would prefer more than you." Uthman asked: "What do they criticize me for?" They said: "They criticize you for erasing the Book of Allah, appointing your relatives to positions, and giving two hundred thousand dirhams to Marwan." Uthman responded: "As for the Quran, it is from Allah, and I only forbade you because I feared you would dispute so read the harf as you wish. As for the protected land, by Allah, I did not protect it for my camels or sheep, but I protected it for the camels of charity to fatten them and make them more valuable for Muslims. As for my saying that I gave Marwan two hundred thousand, this is their public treasury; they can appoint whoever they like over it. As for their saying that the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were harmed by me, I am a human who gets angry and pleased. Whoever claims a right or an injustice from me, here I am, and here is my wealth. Let him take from it what he wishes, either freely or as repayment. The people were pleased and reconciled, and they entered the city. It was written to the people of Basra and Kufa, that whoever could not come should appoint a representative.

حدثنا عبد الله، حدثنا عثمان بن هشام بن دلهم، حدثنا إسماعيل بن الخلي، عن علي بن مسهر، عن إسماعيل بن أبي خالد قال، لما نزل أهل مصر الجفنة(*) يبايعون عثمان رضي الله عنه، صعد عثمان المنبر فقال: جزاكم الله يا أصحاب محمدٍ خيرًا أذعتم السيئة، وكتمنتم الحسنة، وأغرتم بي سفهاء الناس، أيكم يأتي هؤلاء فيسألهم ما الذي نقموا وما الذي يريدون، ثلاث مرات لا يجيبه أحد، فقام علي رضي الله عنه فقال: أنا، فقال عثمان: أنت أقربهم رحماً وأحقهم بذلك، فأتاهُم فرجع بذلك، فقال: إنهم يأتينا أحد أحب إلينا منك، فقال ما الذي نقمتم؟ قالوا نقمنا أنه محا كتاب الله عز وجل، واستعمل أقرباءه، وأعطى مروان مائتي ألف، وتناول أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فرد عليهم عثمان رضي الله عنه: أما القرآن فمن عند الله إنما نهيتكم لأني خفت عليكم الاختلاف فاقرؤوا على أي حرف شئتم. وأما الحمى فوالله ما حميته لأبلي ولا لغنمي، وإنما حميته لأبل الصدقة لتسمن وتصلح أكثر ثمنا للمسلمين. وأما قولي إني أعطيت مروان مائتي ألف، فهذا بيت مالهم فلستعملوا عليه من أحبوا. وأما قولهم تناول أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مني، فإني أنا بشر أغضب وأرضى، فأما من ادعى قبلي حقا أو مظلمة فهذا أنا وهذا مالي، فليأخذ منه من شاء عفوًا، وإن شاء اقتضاء. فرضي الناس واصطلحوا، ودخلوا المدينة وكتب بذلك إلى أهل البصرة وأهل الكوفة، فمن لم يستطع أن يجيء فليوكل وكيلا. Kitab Al Masahif Ibn Abu Dawud p. 45

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