Missing: Luke 23:34

The below sentence from Jesus in Luke 23:34 is missing in some ancient manuscripts and it is not clear if this is part of the Gospel and omitted or not part of the Gospel and added.

Luke 23:34: "Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.'" This part of the verse is not found in some early manuscripts.

Misquoting Jesus p. 191

As it turns out, however, this prayer of Jesus cannot be found in all our manuscripts: it is missing from our earliest Greek witness (a papyrus called P 75 , which dates to about 200 C.E.) and several other highquality witnesses of the fourth and later centuries; at the same time, the prayer can be found in Codex Sinaiticus and a large range of manuscripts, including most of those produced in the Middle Ages. And so the question is, Did a scribe (or a number of scribes) delete the prayer from a manuscript that originally included it? Or did a scribe (or scribes) add it to a manuscript that originally lacked it?

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