Missing: Mark 16:9-20 (Major)
Last 12 Verses of Mark
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Last 12 Verses of Mark
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The Long Ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20): The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel of Mark end at verse 16:8. The longer ending, which includes Jesus' appearances after his resurrection and his ascension into heaven, is not found in some of the oldest manuscripts.
Below is a screenshot from Biblegateway.com
Misquoting Jesus p. 75
The evidence that these verses were not original to Mark is similar in kind to that for the passage about the woman taken in adultery, and again I don't need to go into all the details here. The verses are absent from our two oldest and best manuscripts of Mark's Gospel, along with other important witnesses; the writing style varies from what we find elsewhere in Mark; the transition between this passage and the one preceding it is hard to understand (e.g., Mary Magdalene is introduced in verse 9 as if she hadn't been mentioned yet, even though she is discussed in the preceding verses; there is another problem with the Greek that makes the transition even more awkward); and there are a large number of words and phrases in the passage that are not found elsewhere in Mark. In short, the evidence is sufficient to convince nearly all textual scholars that these verses are an addition to Mark.
Wes Huff is Lying about Codex Sinaticus being unique in having a blank space at the end of the Gospel of Mark to indicate that it was meant to have a longer ending. All the books in the New Testament have large blank spaces at their end. This is also the case for Codex Vaticanus @32min mark
Additionally, Wes Huff uses the 5th-century Codex Alexandrinus manuscript with the longer Mark ending because the space in this one is even bigger than the 4th-century manuscripts.